I started by experimenting a lot, through sketching for example, with the different emotions associated with the phases and how depression can be visualised. After that I started with character design and level design. I wanted to achieve that the player would feel a part of the world and have the main focus on the emotions/feelings that they are going through by passing the phases/levels. Since there was a time constraint I did not have enough time to work out my game design in the Unity game engine for example, therefore I wanted to create something where the audience would still be sucked into the world during the final expo of the project.
I came up with the idea to print my design on large pieces of paper and put them on a wall and the floor (making it more 3D), with the character being over A0 for example. To make the project more meta I created a scene where from far away it would seems like a serene fishing scene with the main character, but by coming closer you would see the internal struggles of the character going through depression. Just like how from an outsider’s perspective a person with depression can seem fine, but if you come closer you can see the truth.